The UK seas with Paul Rose

Lesson overview

Students will explore the seas and coasts of the United Kingdom with explorer and TV presenter Paul Rose. They will be able to name and locate the UK’s surrounding seas and major marine features and landmarks, with opportunities to develop map skills.

Learning outcomes

  • Name and locate the UK’s surrounding seas
  • Name and locate the UK’s major marine features and landmarks
  • Develop appropriate marine-focused geographical vocabulary
  • Develop map skills

Lesson steps

  1. Mission statement from Paul Rose (10 mins)
    Students are introduced to the Our Ocean Planet topic by Paul Rose and meet the crew of ocean experts who will guide them on their voyage.
  2. UK’s surrounding seas (15 mins)
    Students name and locate the UK’s home nations, with their capitals and the surrounding seas on a map.
  3. UK’s major marine features and landmarks (25 mins)
    Students develop their knowledge of the UK’s major marine features and landmarks. They locate these on a map and can use atlases, maps and grid references as appropriate.
  4. Sharing the UK’s seas (up to 60 mins)
    Using either the Postcard or Travel brochure template, students share their learning about the UK’s seas, marine features and landmarks. The time range reflects the time needed for these two different options.
  5. Reflection (10 mins)
    Students reflect on their learning, considering what they have learnt, what connects to their prior knowledge and what they still want to know.