Building a fieldwork toolkit for new science teachers
Broadcast live from the outdoors this live lesson will help beginning teachers (NQTs, RQTs, PGCE students and School Direct placements) to develop the skills needed for designing and delivering scientific fieldwork. Focussing on practical tips, and key principles this interactive live lesson will empower beginning teachers to build their fieldwork toolkit.
FSC’s expert field tutor will answer questions about developing and delivering fieldwork.
Submit your questions in advance to increase the chance of being answered, or you can submit live.
Prepare for this live lesson by using the resource pack on the right which supports beginning teachers to build an understanding of different types of fieldwork and how fieldwork can be effectively embedded within a science scheme of work.
Develop your own fieldwork enquiry and scientific enquiry skills using these resources and use them to help to think of a variety of questions to ask the expert field tutor. FSC will try to answer as many questions as possible.
Lesson Outline
1. Introduction (5 mins)
We will open the session with a welcome and brief introduction to some of the key components of high-quality fieldwork.
2. Subject knowledge (5 minutes)
The Tutor will then introduce the role of fieldwork within the science curriculum, before considering the additional benefits that outdoor learning brings to young people.
3. Activity Time (20 minutes)
FSC’s expert field tutor will lead 3 interactive activities, participants will be encouraged to engage and participate with these tasks alongside the presenter.
a) Managing health and safety- Risk Assessments and responding dynamically to fieldwork scenarios.
b) Bucket Challenge- Exploring a range of fieldwork methods and opportunities that can be completed on school grounds with minimal/low-tech equipment.
c) Beyond the fieldwork- Fieldwork can be much more than just the data collection. Practical ideas will be explored which bring context and meaning to fieldwork data.
4. Q&A and Conclusions (15 minutes)
After completing the 3 activities the FSC tutor will be able to answer pre-submitted questions. At the end of the broadcast they will suggest ways to continue building the fieldwork toolkit including using GIS and statistics in the FSC’s teacher webinars.
Maryanne Wills
Education Team Leader, FSC
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Building a fieldwork toolkit for new science teachers
Broadcast live from the outdoors this live lesson will help beginning teachers (NQTs, RQTs, PGCE students and School Direct placements) to develop the skills needed for designing and delivering scientific fieldwork. Focussing on practical tips, and key principles this interactive live lesson will empower beginning teachers to build their fieldwork toolkit.
FSC’s expert field tutor will answer questions about developing and delivering fieldwork.
Submit your questions in advance to increase the chance of being answered, or you can submit live.
Prepare for this live lesson by using the resource pack on the right which supports beginning teachers to build an understanding of different types of fieldwork and how fieldwork can be effectively embedded within a science scheme of work.
Develop your own fieldwork enquiry and scientific enquiry skills using these resources and use them to help to think of a variety of questions to ask the expert field tutor. FSC will try to answer as many questions as possible.
Lesson Outline
1. Introduction (5 mins)
We will open the session with a welcome and brief introduction to some of the key components of high-quality fieldwork.
2. Subject knowledge (5 minutes)
The Tutor will then introduce the role of fieldwork within the science curriculum, before considering the additional benefits that outdoor learning brings to young people.
3. Activity Time (20 minutes)
FSC’s expert field tutor will lead 3 interactive activities, participants will be encouraged to engage and participate with these tasks alongside the presenter.
a) Managing health and safety- Risk Assessments and responding dynamically to fieldwork scenarios.
b) Bucket Challenge- Exploring a range of fieldwork methods and opportunities that can be completed on school grounds with minimal/low-tech equipment.
c) Beyond the fieldwork- Fieldwork can be much more than just the data collection. Practical ideas will be explored which bring context and meaning to fieldwork data.
4. Q&A and Conclusions (15 minutes)
After completing the 3 activities the FSC tutor will be able to answer pre-submitted questions. At the end of the broadcast they will suggest ways to continue building the fieldwork toolkit including using GIS and statistics in the FSC’s teacher webinars.
Maryanne Wills
Education Team Leader, FSC
Brought to you by