COP28 review and Q&A
With climate records being broken increasingly frequently, the need for international leadership and cooperation has never been greater. The COP series of conferences aims to create an international policy framework to tackle climate change.
COP28, the latest in a series of climate conferences, runs from 30 November to 12 December 2023 in Dubai. The Convex Seascape Survey will share the importance of robust science as part of this process.
On their return to the UK, Gabi and the Convex Seascape Survey team will share their reflections, what it all means, and how the end of the conference does not mean the end of working to tackle climate change.
Available on catch-up
- 45 mins
- Ages 11-16 / KS3-4
Broadcast via YouTube Live
Learning objectives
This live lesson focuses on the themes of:
- Examine the importance of robust scientific consensus for policy making
- Understand the predicted impacts of climate change at a range of scales
- Evaluate COP meetings as examples of good global governance
- Debate the success of COP28 from different perspectives, for instance SlDS (Small Island Developing States)
This is a standalone lesson to support classes to understand and connect to the COP process. No specific preparation is needed but teachers and students may wish to follow COP28 in the news and post questions as they go.
A quiz, interactive overview, and glossary will be available online shortly, as well as a summary of COP28’s achievements just before the live lesson.
If you have never joined a live lesson before, visit the support centre, where you can find a range of technical and educational information.
Questions generated by your class can be submitted via the interaction app that will appear on this lesson page once you have booked the lesson.
Lesson steps
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
We welcome classes to the live lesson, meeting our guest speakers. This is also a chance to go over the learning for the lesson and cover digital housekeeping.
2. A history of climate action (10 minutes)
Gabi and the team will share a history of climate action and the role of the UNFCCC and the COP conferences. This will be accompanied by a short quiz to see how climate savvy your class is.
3. What actually happens at COP? (5 mins)
Gabi and the team will share what it is like to be at a COP conference. Learn about the different groups of people who go and the aims that they have. Are young people welcome or is it just about politicians and governments?
4. Was COP28 a success and what now? (10 mins)
Gabi and the team share their views on whether COP28 was a success and what everyone can do to support the policy process.
5. Q&A (15 minutes)
This is a chance for classes to ask any questions they have about a science career, for our guest speakers, and the importance of women in science.
Broadcast on YouTube Live

Gabriella Gilkes
Programme Manager, Convex Seascape Survey
With support from

Teach the goals
COP28 review and Q&A
With climate records being broken increasingly frequently, the need for international leadership and cooperation has never been greater. The COP series of conferences aims to create an international policy framework to tackle climate change.
COP28, the latest in a series of climate conferences, runs from 30 November to 12 December 2023 in Dubai. The Convex Seascape Survey will share the importance of robust science as part of this process.
On their return to the UK, Gabi and the Convex Seascape Survey team will share their reflections, what it all means, and how the end of the conference does not mean the end of working to tackle climate change.
Available on catch-up
- 45 mins
- Ages 11-16 / KS3-4
Broadcast via YouTube Live
Learning objectives
This live lesson focuses on the themes of:
- Examine the importance of robust scientific consensus for policy making
- Understand the predicted impacts of climate change at a range of scales
- Evaluate COP meetings as examples of good global governance
- Debate the success of COP28 from different perspectives, for instance SlDS (Small Island Developing States)
This is a standalone lesson to support classes to understand and connect to the COP process. No specific preparation is needed but teachers and students may wish to follow COP28 in the news and post questions as they go.
A quiz, interactive overview, and glossary will be available online shortly, as well as a summary of COP28’s achievements just before the live lesson.
If you have never joined a live lesson before, visit the support centre, where you can find a range of technical and educational information.
Questions generated by your class can be submitted via the interaction app that will appear on this lesson page once you have booked the lesson.
Lesson steps
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
We welcome classes to the live lesson, meeting our guest speakers. This is also a chance to go over the learning for the lesson and cover digital housekeeping.
2. A history of climate action (10 minutes)
Gabi and the team will share a history of climate action and the role of the UNFCCC and the COP conferences. This will be accompanied by a short quiz to see how climate savvy your class is.
3. What actually happens at COP? (5 mins)
Gabi and the team will share what it is like to be at a COP conference. Learn about the different groups of people who go and the aims that they have. Are young people welcome or is it just about politicians and governments?
4. Was COP28 a success and what now? (10 mins)
Gabi and the team share their views on whether COP28 was a success and what everyone can do to support the policy process.
5. Q&A (15 minutes)
This is a chance for classes to ask any questions they have about a science career, for our guest speakers, and the importance of women in science.
Broadcast on YouTube Live

Gabriella Gilkes
Programme Manager, Convex Seascape Survey
With support from

Teach the goals