KS2 | Soil Exploration
This soil exploration live lesson introduces young people to the incredible world of rocks and soil often hidden beneath their feet. By getting hands-on, pupils will learn more about the how soil is formed, and get hands-on with soil experiments that they can complete alongside this live lesson.
FSC’s expert field tutor will answer questions about soil and rocks.
Submit your questions in advance to increase the chance of being answered, or ask questions during the live lesson.
Prepare your class for this live lesson by using the supporting resources available on this page, which support pupils to develop their knowledge of rocks, soil and the experimental tests that can be used to determine rock type.
Develop pupils’ investigative skills by using the fact files and guides within the resource pack to help them to think of a variety of questions. The Tutor will try to answer as many questions as possible during the live lesson.
Live lessons can easily accommodate learners joining from home. Read our extra guidance for school closures here.
Lesson Outline
1. Introduction (5 mins)
We will open the session with a welcome and brief introduction to the soil exploration.
2. Subject knowledge (5 minutes)
Your tutor will then introduce the site and explain a little bit about how soil is formed.
3. Activity Time (20 minutes)
The tutor will lead an exploration of soil through the digging of a small trench to expose the different layers of soil present in this location. A visual soil profile will be created to help showcase the differences between these soil layers before showcasing how soil pH can be investigated.
Pupils can then work alongside us to take a sample of soil from their own garden and complete some hands-on testing to determine soil type.
At this point, questions can be submitted via the Live chat.
4. Q&A and Conclusions (15 minutes)
After completing the activity your tutor will be able to answer pre-submitted questions and take part in the live chat. At the end of the broadcast they will suggest some other activities that you may like to try to continue to explore a local green space and what’s coming up in #fieldworklive 2020.

Lou Hilderly
Tutor, FSC
Brought to you by

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KS2 | Soil Exploration
This soil exploration live lesson introduces young people to the incredible world of rocks and soil often hidden beneath their feet. By getting hands-on, pupils will learn more about the how soil is formed, and get hands-on with soil experiments that they can complete alongside this live lesson.
FSC’s expert field tutor will answer questions about soil and rocks.
Submit your questions in advance to increase the chance of being answered, or ask questions during the live lesson.
Prepare your class for this live lesson by using the supporting resources available on this page, which support pupils to develop their knowledge of rocks, soil and the experimental tests that can be used to determine rock type.
Develop pupils’ investigative skills by using the fact files and guides within the resource pack to help them to think of a variety of questions. The Tutor will try to answer as many questions as possible during the live lesson.
Live lessons can easily accommodate learners joining from home. Read our extra guidance for school closures here.
Lesson Outline
1. Introduction (5 mins)
We will open the session with a welcome and brief introduction to the soil exploration.
2. Subject knowledge (5 minutes)
Your tutor will then introduce the site and explain a little bit about how soil is formed.
3. Activity Time (20 minutes)
The tutor will lead an exploration of soil through the digging of a small trench to expose the different layers of soil present in this location. A visual soil profile will be created to help showcase the differences between these soil layers before showcasing how soil pH can be investigated.
Pupils can then work alongside us to take a sample of soil from their own garden and complete some hands-on testing to determine soil type.
At this point, questions can be submitted via the Live chat.
4. Q&A and Conclusions (15 minutes)
After completing the activity your tutor will be able to answer pre-submitted questions and take part in the live chat. At the end of the broadcast they will suggest some other activities that you may like to try to continue to explore a local green space and what’s coming up in #fieldworklive 2020.

Lou Hilderly
Tutor, FSC
Brought to you by

Supported By