KS5 | Investigating Place
This live lesson broadcast from a unique place will enable students to complete a place-based, qualitative investigation into how a local area is perceived and experienced by different people. Students will be encouraged to draw upon their GCSE knowledge and apply it to A level topic content, building their geographical knowledge and skills.
FSC’s expert field tutor will answer questions about this place-based investigation.
Teachers can submit questions and shout-outs in advance after registering their class for the live lesson.
Prepare your class for this live lesson by using the supporting resources available on this page, which support students to build an understanding of this fieldwork location and unpick the aim of this investigation. Students can use a variety of secondary sources and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to interrogate these resources and this location.
Develop students’ fieldwork enquiry and geographical skills using these resources and help students to think of a variety of questions to ask the expert field tutor. FSC will try to answer as many questions as possible.
Live lessons can easily accommodate learners joining from home. Read our extra guidance for school closures here.
Lesson Outline
1. Introduction (5 mins)
We will open the session with a welcome and brief introduction to the aim of the fieldwork enquiry.
2. Subject knowledge (5 minutes)
Your tutor will then introduce the site and recap the aim of the investigation. Before sharing why this location has been chosen to investigate this question and to consider how to work safely in this environment.
3. Activity Time (20 minutes)
The tutor will lead this live fieldwork investigation by introducing the first fieldwork method- non-participant observation and how this can be used to see how a location is used by people. Students will then complete a place-check for the location before being introduced to how Survey123 GIS can be used to collect emotional mapping information in their home location. Students will be encouraged to continue to contribute to this big-data set.
At this point, questions can be submitted via the Live chat.
4. Q&A and Conclusions (15 minutes)
After completing the fieldwork your tutor will be able to answer pre-submitted questions including evaluating the fieldwork methods and take part in the live chat. At the end of the broadcast they will suggest ways to continue building the skills and knowledge to progress to A Level and how GIS can be used to support this enquiry. They will also share what’s coming up in #fieldworklive 2020.

Charlotte Foster
Senior Tutor, FSC
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KS5 | Investigating Place
This live lesson broadcast from a unique place will enable students to complete a place-based, qualitative investigation into how a local area is perceived and experienced by different people. Students will be encouraged to draw upon their GCSE knowledge and apply it to A level topic content, building their geographical knowledge and skills.
FSC’s expert field tutor will answer questions about this place-based investigation.
Teachers can submit questions and shout-outs in advance after registering their class for the live lesson.
Prepare your class for this live lesson by using the supporting resources available on this page, which support students to build an understanding of this fieldwork location and unpick the aim of this investigation. Students can use a variety of secondary sources and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to interrogate these resources and this location.
Develop students’ fieldwork enquiry and geographical skills using these resources and help students to think of a variety of questions to ask the expert field tutor. FSC will try to answer as many questions as possible.
Live lessons can easily accommodate learners joining from home. Read our extra guidance for school closures here.
Lesson Outline
1. Introduction (5 mins)
We will open the session with a welcome and brief introduction to the aim of the fieldwork enquiry.
2. Subject knowledge (5 minutes)
Your tutor will then introduce the site and recap the aim of the investigation. Before sharing why this location has been chosen to investigate this question and to consider how to work safely in this environment.
3. Activity Time (20 minutes)
The tutor will lead this live fieldwork investigation by introducing the first fieldwork method- non-participant observation and how this can be used to see how a location is used by people. Students will then complete a place-check for the location before being introduced to how Survey123 GIS can be used to collect emotional mapping information in their home location. Students will be encouraged to continue to contribute to this big-data set.
At this point, questions can be submitted via the Live chat.
4. Q&A and Conclusions (15 minutes)
After completing the fieldwork your tutor will be able to answer pre-submitted questions including evaluating the fieldwork methods and take part in the live chat. At the end of the broadcast they will suggest ways to continue building the skills and knowledge to progress to A Level and how GIS can be used to support this enquiry. They will also share what’s coming up in #fieldworklive 2020.

Charlotte Foster
Senior Tutor, FSC
Brought to you by

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