Encounter Edu statement on Coronavirus

The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak is causing anxiety for many teachers, parents and children, and I wanted to write to you to let you know what Encounter Edu is doing to support education during these uncertain times.

Existing support

Our current suite of free live lessons will continue, even if we have to make some location changes. Our library of lessons, multimedia and activities is available to access, with parents able to register for their own free accounts.

We will be adding additional guidance for parents who may be new to the platform. If you have used Encounter Edu in a home-school environment, please be in touch to share any tips.

Increasing our offer

We will be looking to put on more live lessons with school closures taking place in many countries around the world. To start with, these will be based on our existing live programmes, although delivered from the UK. These will be free of charge, with a virtual 'tip jar' on each lesson. More contributions, will enable a greater offer.

Your input

We will also be reaching out to funders and supporters to develop a wider range of live lessons. As we do this, it will be useful to have your input.

For parents, please let us know what the most important types of science and geography live lessons we could put on.

For teachers, if you need support with setting up live learning protocols or would consider giving wider revision lessons then be in touch.

Last, if you already provide live learning opportunities, or have the capacity to do so, let us know if you would be interested in hosting these via Encounter Edu.

Our advice

Like many of you, we are monitoring government and WHO updates closely. We would advise parents and teachers, where possible to familiarise themselves with distance learning platforms and techniques as a contingency. Think of it as the learning equivalent of having enough hand sanitiser or pasta. Like many schools and other educators, we will be creating more guidance on our news pages to support, and will be guided by your questions and ideas.

We are here to support as much as we can and look forward to being in touch.

Best wishes,

Jamie Buchanan-Dunlop,
Founder & Executive Director
Encounter Edu