REF2014: Frozen Oceans, a model for environmental education in schools

Ocean acidification Research as a model for Environmental Education in Secondary Schools

‘Frozen Oceans’ have been included in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework case studies, a platform focused on the research excellence with socioeconomic impact in the UK’s higher education sector from 2008 to 2013. The resources are the result of a collaboration with the University of Exeter and Plymouth Marine Laboratory which investigated ocean acidification in the Canadian High Arctic.

Dr Ceri Lewis' research expeditions investigating the impacts of ocean acidification have informed educational material, introducing oceans education to schools, both nationally and internationally. The education resources, informed by Ceri's fieldwork, are already being used by 1,225 UK secondary schools, reaching over 658,000 pupils within the first year of being launched. These school resources are also being used internationally including a training programme in Alaska and outreach examples across Europe.

Read full case study

December 2014