Part of:
In this lesson students will use Google Expeditions to explore Antarctica with a particular focus on describing and observing, they will use descriptive language about landscapes and animals and identify the differences between un manchot et un pingouin.
Expedition Prep Checklist
Download the Google Expeditions App on all devices and select the expedition Antarctica.
Explore the expedition and locate points of interest.
Review the video content in the Lesson resources section to update your knowledge and develop some teaching ideas.
Lead a discussion on the following themes: Why do we have, in French, two different names to talk about penguins? Note: technically the term ‘pingouin’ refers to the northern hemisphere ‘penguin’, known in English as an auk. The term ‘manchot’ refers to the penguin that we most commonly think of, with the vast proportion living in the southern hemisphere. Confusingly, many people also use the term ‘pingouin’ to refer to these southern hemisphere cousins of the auk.
Qui a déja vu un manchot? D’où vient-il? Students translate J'ai tout compris entry on penguins.