What can I do?

Lesson overview

Students discover the 6 Rs and discuss what each one means. They then make suggestions of how they could do each one through mind mapping their shared ideas. Students then complete one of three suggested art projects which not only reuse plastic rubbish but also inform others how they can help fight marine plastic pollution. The completed projects could be displayed around the school or showcased in an assembly.

Learning outcomes
  • Understand what is meant by the 6 Rs
  • Explain how each of the 6 Rs can be implemented
  • Complete an art project demonstrating how to fight marine plastic pollution
  • Share their learning with a wider audience
Lesson steps
  1. The 6 Rs (10 mins)
    Students are introduced to the 6 Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink, repair, refuse and discuss the examples given.
  2. What can you do? (5 mins)
    They then reflect in pairs how they could implement the 6 Rs in their own lives and encourage their friends and families to do the same.
  3. Art activism (35 mins)
    Students choose from one of three art projects designed to reuse plastic rubbish and demonstrate what they have learnt about marine plastic pollution.
  4. Show and tell (10 mins)
    They then display their projects or showcase them in an assembly and share their knowledge with a wider audience.