Coral in a high CO2 world
This session illustrates how the increase in carbon dioxide in the ocean is lowering pH levels, thus impacting marine life. The first activity Ocean acidification in a cup shows how water becomes more acidic when carbon dioxide is bubbled through it. The second activity Dissolving ‘coral’ and ‘shells’ in vinegar explains how acidic substances can ‘dissolve’ coral reefs and shells which protect ocean life.
1. Introduction (5 mins)
Jamie will open the session with a welcome and brief introduction to the expedition.
2. Subject knowledge (10 mins)
He will then explain how increased ocean acidity impacts on many living things in the ocean. At this point, you can distribute the resources to students and they can make any preparations needed before commencing the activity, such as filling their beakers.
3. Activity one (10 mins)
Jamie will begin demonstrating the activity, students can follow along in real-time. During this time, you can submit your students’ questions via the Live chat.
4. Subject knowledge (5 mins)
Jamie will explain how acidic substances (in this case, vinegar) can ‘dissolve’ coral reefs and shells which protect ocean life.
5. Activity two (10 mins)
Jamie will begin demonstrating the activity, students can follow along in real-time. Again, don’t forget to submit your students’ questions via the Live chat.
6. Q&A and conclusion (5 mins)
After completing the activity Jamie will answer some of the questions students have submitted before suggesting other Coral Live activities you might like to try.

Jamie Buchanan-Dunlop
Executive Director, Encounter Edu
Coral in a high CO2 world
This session illustrates how the increase in carbon dioxide in the ocean is lowering pH levels, thus impacting marine life. The first activity Ocean acidification in a cup shows how water becomes more acidic when carbon dioxide is bubbled through it. The second activity Dissolving ‘coral’ and ‘shells’ in vinegar explains how acidic substances can ‘dissolve’ coral reefs and shells which protect ocean life.
1. Introduction (5 mins)
Jamie will open the session with a welcome and brief introduction to the expedition.
2. Subject knowledge (10 mins)
He will then explain how increased ocean acidity impacts on many living things in the ocean. At this point, you can distribute the resources to students and they can make any preparations needed before commencing the activity, such as filling their beakers.
3. Activity one (10 mins)
Jamie will begin demonstrating the activity, students can follow along in real-time. During this time, you can submit your students’ questions via the Live chat.
4. Subject knowledge (5 mins)
Jamie will explain how acidic substances (in this case, vinegar) can ‘dissolve’ coral reefs and shells which protect ocean life.
5. Activity two (10 mins)
Jamie will begin demonstrating the activity, students can follow along in real-time. Again, don’t forget to submit your students’ questions via the Live chat.
6. Q&A and conclusion (5 mins)
After completing the activity Jamie will answer some of the questions students have submitted before suggesting other Coral Live activities you might like to try.

Jamie Buchanan-Dunlop
Executive Director, Encounter Edu