Frozen Oceans receives Silver at Geographical Association Publishers' Awards

The Frozen Ocean Teacher Resources received a Silver Award at the Geographical Association's Publishers' Awards. The Awards were presented by Dame Ellen MacArthur.

The judges' citation praised the resources for bringing the excitement of expeditions to the classroom...

Frozen Oceans is a suite of free online materials that aim to bring the excitement of expeditions to the Arctic Ocean into key stage 3 and 4 classrooms and investigate changes taking place in this fragile environment.

Although often science focused, the Frozen Oceans resources will enable geographers to develop challenging enquiry-based learning and provide a clear opportunity for collaborative work with science teachers. The effective use of digital technologies such as video footage, and the range of resources, such as maps, diagrams and images, and suggested activities, will enable teachers to select, adapt and create lessons tailored to their school’s needs.

The judges agreed that the Frozen Oceans resources are well designed, with up-to-date information and interesting new ideas. It was felt that the links to Google Earth provide an interesting extra dimension to the already impressive range of activities. This free, well-presented resource will be effective as a tool for independent study, and an asset to any scheme of work on cold environments.