Meet Jamie Buchanan-Dunlop #CoralLive2019

Jamie Buchanan-Dunlop

Founder and CEO of Encounter Edu

Jamie runs Encounter Edu, founded in 2008 as Digital Explorer. His commitment to inspire young people about the world began when he taught teenagers in east London between 2004 and 2008. He innovated the use of technology to bring faraway cultures and environments to classes around the world.

This work began in 2006 when broadcasting student stories to UK classrooms from Morocco’s Atlas Mountains. Marking milestones, in 2009, he ran live lessons from Antarctica. In 2015, he made the first 360 videos in the Arctic for the classroom. By 2019, Encounter Edu live-education model has reached 4.2 million students and has been recognized in the media and through awards.

Coral Live 2018 Jamie Buchanan Dunlop