Ocean & Climate

Science | Ages 11-14

This comprehensive unit aligns with the KS3 science programme and introduces important aspects of ocean and climate science. Topics include the carbon cycle, causes, evidence, and impacts of climate change, ocean biodiversity and its protection, and ocean acidification. The unit is designed to be used as modular lessons to showcase the work of real science and enhance students' understanding and science capital.

Lesson 1: The carbon cycle and climate

An introduction to the carbon cycle and climate change, featuring gamified activities and a knowledge organiser.

Lesson 2: How do we know about climate change?

In this lesson, students will learn about the factors influencing climate change including the greenhouse effect and the evidence for past climate…

Lesson 3: Climate change impacts and the ocean

In this lesson, students will learn about the impact of climate change on the ocean. They will then complete a card sort and diagram activity to gain…

Lesson 4: Ocean as climate ally

This lesson introduces students to blue carbon habitats and their importance in tackling climate change.

Lesson 5: Protecting ocean biodiversity

This lesson looks at how ocean biodiversity can be protected, and includes an in-depth analysis of community conservation in Arran, Scotland.

Lesson 6: How is life adapted to ocean habitats?

This lesson introduces students to the range of ocean habitats. It extends students’ knowledge of adaptation, interdependence, and biodiversity to…

Lesson 7: The other carbon problem

This is a practical lesson developing investigation and working scientifically skills in the context of the other carbon problem, ocean acidification.

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