4 May 2020 - 15 May 2020
AXA Arctic Live 2020, part of the AXA Ocean Education programme, ran for its seventh year. Run as a fully virtual event this year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this live learning provided over 60,000 students the opportunity to engage with the fragile and changing Arctic.
We ran 22 broadcasts over ten days. The first week focused on life in the Arctic with a series of live investigations and expert interviews with polar experts. The second week looked at some of the ways that the Arctic Ocean is changing due to human activity, with a focus on the Arctic Live research topics of ocean acidification and plastic pollution.
In 2020, Arctic Live also featured live broadcasts in French and German, looking at the impact of mercury pollution on Arctic life.
Arctic Live is underpinned by teaching resources to aid class preparation and reflection. The whole program is designed to build student literacy, develop critical skills, inspire STEM careers and engage environmental stewardship.