Live investigation: sea level rise
This live lesson broadcast is a great way of learning about sea-level rise and the consequences of a warming Arctic. It will help to clear up common misconceptions such as how melting sea ice in the Arctic will cause sea levels to rise.
The investigation will provide students an opportunity to observe over time and compare how the melting of different types of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic will affect sea-level rise.
Available on catch-up
- 45 mins
- Ages 7-14 / Grades 3-8 / STEM clubs
Learning outcomes
Life in cold climates
- Extend locational knowledge and deepen spatial awareness of the world, including polar deserts
- Understand how human and physical processes interact to influence, and change landscapes, environments, and the climate; and how human activity relies on the effective functioning of natural systems
If you have never joined a live lesson before, visit the support centre, where you can find a range of technical and educational information.
This live lesson is suited to all students studying geography. The activity is based around the Sea level rise investigation, part of the Frozen Oceans STEAM activity collection.
The lesson assumes no prior knowledge of the Arctic, but students may find it useful to have worked through a preparatory lesson, either for ages 7-11, or for ages 11-14.
Questions generated by your class can be submitted via the Encounter Live tab in your profile.
Lesson steps
1. Introduction (5 mins)
Jamie will open the session with a welcome and brief introduction to the Arctic including any shout-outs to registered classes. During this time students to get into their allocated groups and set up their experiments.
2. Subject knowledge (5 mins)
Jamie will then proceed to speak about how the Arctic is changing and the importance of working scientifically to better understand changes in the environment. Then the team will do a resources check with your students before guiding them in the steps to set up the experiment.
3. Activity time (20 mins)
Jamie will ask students to predict what will happen to the water (sea) level as the ice melts. Students should then share with a partner.
Jamie will then discuss more about how the Arctic is changing, what causes sea level rise and why it is an issue. In this exposition, they will discuss the physical states of water and its transition points. Students should observe and describe what happened in their two models, although this may happen later. The team in the Arctic will have on hand examples that have been left to warm and can demonstrate their findings. Students will be available to compare their observations to these once their ice has had time to melt.
4. Q&A and conclusion (15 mins)
After completing the activity Jamie will be able to answer pre-submitted questions and take part in the live chat. At the end of the broadcast, Jamie will suggest some other activities you might like to try and what's coming up in the rest of Arctic Live 2022.
Free access for Teacher Plus subscribers
Free access to this live lesson is supported by AXA as part of their Action+ programme. Use the coupon code ILOVETHEARCTIC to receive free access to this lesson, and then email us with the action that you have taken:
- Made a class pledge to care for the Arctic
- Deepened your class's understanding using one or more of the Frozen Oceans investigations
- Taught one or more of the lessons from the Frozen Oceans | Science | Ages 11-14 or Frozen Oceans | Geography | Ages 11-14 units

Jamie Buchanan-Dunlop
Executive Director, Encounter Edu
Brought to you by

With support from

Live investigation: sea level rise
This live lesson broadcast is a great way of learning about sea-level rise and the consequences of a warming Arctic. It will help to clear up common misconceptions such as how melting sea ice in the Arctic will cause sea levels to rise.
The investigation will provide students an opportunity to observe over time and compare how the melting of different types of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic will affect sea-level rise.
Available on catch-up
- 45 mins
- Ages 7-14 / Grades 3-8 / STEM clubs
Learning outcomes
Life in cold climates
- Extend locational knowledge and deepen spatial awareness of the world, including polar deserts
- Understand how human and physical processes interact to influence, and change landscapes, environments, and the climate; and how human activity relies on the effective functioning of natural systems
If you have never joined a live lesson before, visit the support centre, where you can find a range of technical and educational information.
This live lesson is suited to all students studying geography. The activity is based around the Sea level rise investigation, part of the Frozen Oceans STEAM activity collection.
The lesson assumes no prior knowledge of the Arctic, but students may find it useful to have worked through a preparatory lesson, either for ages 7-11, or for ages 11-14.
Questions generated by your class can be submitted via the Encounter Live tab in your profile.
Lesson steps
1. Introduction (5 mins)
Jamie will open the session with a welcome and brief introduction to the Arctic including any shout-outs to registered classes. During this time students to get into their allocated groups and set up their experiments.
2. Subject knowledge (5 mins)
Jamie will then proceed to speak about how the Arctic is changing and the importance of working scientifically to better understand changes in the environment. Then the team will do a resources check with your students before guiding them in the steps to set up the experiment.
3. Activity time (20 mins)
Jamie will ask students to predict what will happen to the water (sea) level as the ice melts. Students should then share with a partner.
Jamie will then discuss more about how the Arctic is changing, what causes sea level rise and why it is an issue. In this exposition, they will discuss the physical states of water and its transition points. Students should observe and describe what happened in their two models, although this may happen later. The team in the Arctic will have on hand examples that have been left to warm and can demonstrate their findings. Students will be available to compare their observations to these once their ice has had time to melt.
4. Q&A and conclusion (15 mins)
After completing the activity Jamie will be able to answer pre-submitted questions and take part in the live chat. At the end of the broadcast, Jamie will suggest some other activities you might like to try and what's coming up in the rest of Arctic Live 2022.
Free access for Teacher Plus subscribers
Free access to this live lesson is supported by AXA as part of their Action+ programme. Use the coupon code ILOVETHEARCTIC to receive free access to this lesson, and then email us with the action that you have taken:
- Made a class pledge to care for the Arctic
- Deepened your class's understanding using one or more of the Frozen Oceans investigations
- Taught one or more of the lessons from the Frozen Oceans | Science | Ages 11-14 or Frozen Oceans | Geography | Ages 11-14 units

Jamie Buchanan-Dunlop
Executive Director, Encounter Edu
Brought to you by

With support from