Our ocean and us 11-14

Lesson overview

This lesson introduces students to the concept of ecosystem goods and services and allows them to discuss and share their knowledge. Students write a letter to the Secretary of State for the Environment outlining their thoughts on the significance of the ocean and their concerns about its health. Students also describe how damaging the marine ecosystem could be detrimental for all of us.

Learning outcomes
  • Discuss the ecological goods provided by the ocean
  • Describe the ecological services provided by the ocean
  • Evaluate the importance of the ecological goods and services provided by the oceans
  • Consolidate learning about ocean goods and services
  • Reflect on learning
Lesson steps
  1. Ocean goods (10 minutes)
    Students are asked to reflect on how we rely on the ocean, describing some of the ways such as for food and transport.
  2. Ocean services (15 minutes)
    Students learn about key services provided by the ocean such as climate regulation and how marine environments such as mangrove forests prevent coastal erosion.
  3. Letter to the Secretary of State for the Environment (20 minutes)
    Students write a letter to the Secretary of State for the Environment (inform students who this currently is) expressing their opinions and explaining why more needs to be done to protect the oceans.
  4. Quiz (10 minutes)
    Students take a quiz which challenges their knowledge and understanding of the array of goods and services we use produced by the ocean.
  5. Reflection (5 minutes)
    Students consider how the ocean is used and the subsequent threats to the oceans sharing their concerns with a partner.