This activity is a fun way of learning about the different living things in the Arctic and how they are connected. This food chain activity introduces young people to a range of animals that they may come across during an Arctic expedition, and remember the only place where polar bears and penguins might meet is at the zoo!
Ages 6+
(adult supervision)
30 minutes
Part of:
AXA Ocean EducationThis activity is all about learning more about the different living things in the Arctic. Then your challenge is to connect the different living things into a series of food chains and make your very own Arctic food chain mobile. You can hang this up at home or in the classroom to remind you of the importance of all life in the Arctic and not just the cute and cuddly ones!
If the whole mobile is too complicated an idea to start with, consider making a single food chain first. Start by placing a ‘producer’ on a table. Search through all the other cards to find a consumer that eats that producer. You might have started with algae and then found the copepod that eats the algae. See if you can make the chain longer by finding an animal that eats copepods, and so on.
If you are unsure about the science definitions, see the 'Find out more' section, and for the different living things in the Arctic, see the Arctic life gallery.
You can teach a whole lesson featuring this activity with What organisms live in the Arctic? from the Frozen Oceans at home for Ages 7-11 unit.
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