Climate and Energy

Geography | Ages 14-16

HIWAVES Climate and Energy unit is a series of eight lessons for students aged 14-16. Students are introduced to topics such as the atmospheric circulation model, climate modelling, energy production, and energy demands both present and future.

Co-created with academics, industry experts and educators each lesson invites students to explore topics relating to climate and energy using authentic research, case studies and data. Students are encouraged to think holistically about the connection between weather and energy use, comparing renewable and non-renewable sources, and forming their own opinions based on the real-world data.

The unit provides a robust understanding of the latest findings promoting climate literacy, while being curriculum-aligned to GCSE exam body specifications, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to tackle challenges of the future.

Lesson 1: What is the global atmospheric circulation model?

This lesson is an introduction to air pressure and weather systems and the impact they have on global weather.

Lesson 2: What impacts the weather of NW Europe?

This lesson focuses on using isobar maps and satellite images of NW Europe to predict and explain weather conditions.

Lesson 3: How can we predict the weather of the future?

This is a lesson for higher level students, developing knowledge of climate modelling and accessing information in an academic journal article on the…

Lesson 4: How is energy produced?

This lesson focuses on developing students’ knowledge and understanding of different types of renewable and non-renewable energy.

Lesson 5: What are the issues with renewable energy?

Learn more about renewable energy, including the limitations of renewable energy. Students will consider of renewable energy is enough to meet our…

Lesson 6: What will our future energy needs be?

Students will consider and predict the electricity consumption of the UK. Specifically, students will have to evaluate whether renewable energy…

Lesson 7: How can governments plan for a low carbon future? Part one

This summary lesson sees students work in groups to propose how a low carbon future could be achieved through carefully planned electricity…

Lesson 8: How can governments plan for a low carbon future? Part two

Students will present their ideas for a low carbon future. Students will assess their own and peers’ work and complete a review of the unit learning.

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