How can we learn from others?

Lesson overview

Students will learn how to conduct an interview to find out more about the education experience of others. They will learn about different types of questioning and practise these skills in their own class, before developing a set of questions for their first video call.

Learning outcomes

  • Finalize the preparation for the video interview

  • Consider how to prepare for the video interview
  • Develop appropriate interview questions
  • Manage an interview

Lesson steps

Meet your partner student (5 mins)
Connect this lesson's learning to the previous lesson on My Voice-My School and the Global Goals. Introduce your class to their partner school using the appropriate student voice film.

Open and closed questions (10 mins)
Develop students' interview skills through introducing them to the idea of open and closed questions.

Advanced questioning techniques (10 mins)
Introduce students to two techniques to gain deeper replies to their questions and also to develop a more conversational tone to the interview.

Interview skills practise (25 mins)
Using group work, students practise their interview skills and apply the theory that they have learned.

Decide interview question (5 mins)
Student groups finalize the questions they wish to ask the students from their partner school.

Create class guidelines (5 mins)
Ask students to consider what appropriate guidelines are needed for the video call.