Encounter Edu
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The greenhouse effect
History of climate science
Climate science (un)certainty
Carbon sources, sinks and stores
What's at stake at COP29?
Evidence for climate change
Climate change over time
Ocean circulation and climate
All about ocean habitats
How many oceans are there?
A melting Arctic
All about overfishing
Ocean acidification process
All about the continental shelf
All about kelp forests
All about saltmarshes
All about mangroves
All about seagrass
All about blue carbon habitats
How does climate change affect the ocean?
What is COP all about?
Climate and COP glossary
4 ocean climate facts
8 ocean vs land life facts
7 ocean vs land scale facts
All about whales
Whales and the carbon cycle
How has human activity affected whales?
How to: View Encounter Edu 360VR videos
How to: View Encounter Edu 360VR galleries
Troubleshoot YouTube issues for live lessons
Tips for setting up lessons via video for teachers
Using STEAM Activities during school closures
Using Professional Development during school closures
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Using Live Lessons during school closures
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Arctic Live Teacher Guidance
Encounter live lesson and webinar speaker FAQs
How to use Zoom for workshops
Climate and Energy HIWAVES journal article student summary
Learn about Global atmospheric circulation
Learn about climate models
How does plastic harm the environment?
How to improve students' online research skills
Use the six thinking hats to generate questions
How to take part in live lesson chats
How to generate higher order questions
How to teach food chains and webs
What are the alternatives to plastics?
Live Lesson FAQs
How to book a live lesson
Learn more: How are coral reefs formed?
Learn more: How ecosystems (E7) and G7 economies compare
How to: Open saved placemarks in Google Earth Pro
How to: Organise, save and tour placemarks in Google Earth Pro
How to: Use the 3D viewer in Google Earth Pro
How to: Measure distance and area in Google Earth Pro
How to: Use layers in Google Earth Pro
How to: Find places in Google Earth Pro
How to: Create a polygon in Google Earth Pro
How to: Create a placemarker in Google Earth Pro
How to: Create advanced placemarkers in Google Earth Pro
How to: Create a path in Google Earth Pro
Learn more: The Gaza Crisis
About: UNRWA Education in Emergencies
About: Government of Flanders Development Cooperation
Learn more: What are the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals?
Learn more: What are refugees rights?
Learn more: The UN sustainable development goal #4 - Quality Education
Learn more: The Syria crisis
Learn more: What is UNRWA and how does it support education?
About: UNRWA
How to: Work with sensitive issues
How to: Use Google Hangouts Meet
How to: Debate via video chat
How to: Use the light sensor on the Science Journal app
Glossary: Materials and their properties
Why use 360VR in the classroom
Get started with 360VR in the classroom
4 ways to use 360VR in the classroom
How to develop investigation skills for younger students
Learn more: How are submarines used for deep ocean exploration?
About: XL Catlin Deep Ocean Survey
Learn more: The effects of overfishing on coral reefs
Learn more: How is the Great Barrier Reef being protected?
Glossary: Coral reef
Learn more: Human impacts on the coral reefs
Learn more: How does water quality affect the coral reefs?
Learn more: What can we do to conserve coral reefs?
How to: Set up the mBlock Blockly app
How to: Use the mBot default program
Learn more: Which countries have coral reefs?
Will coral reefs survive this century?
Learn more: Why is the Great Barrier Reef important and why is it dying?
Learn more: What does the future look like for coral reefs?
What are coral reefs and why are they important?
About: XL Catlin Seaview Survey
Glossary: Coding
Learn more: What is vertical migration?
How to write geographical descriptions
Learn more: How will ocean acidification affect crustaceans in the future?
How to develop literacy in science
Glossary: Plankton, Plastics and Poo
How to teach classification
How to teach evolution
Learn more: What is the marine carbon cycle?
What is ocean plastic pollution?
How does plastic reach the ocean and why is it a problem?
How to teach coding
How to: Make a research poster
Learn more: How are ice holes made in the high Arctic?
Glossary: mBlock
What equipment and clothing do polar explorers need?
Learn more: How does ocean circulation affect the climate of the UK?
Learn more: Hawaii Ocean Time-series - a long term ocean study
Ocean acidification and its impacts
Learn more: What are trophic cascades?
Learn more: What fitness training do Arctic explorers need?
Learn more: What are copepods?
Learn more: All about Arctic sea ice and why it is so important
Learn more: What do polar explorers eat?
Learn more: What are ice caps and how are they formed?
About: Catlin Arctic Survey
How to: Use mBlock
About: Oxbotica
How to teach futures thinking
How to: Troubleshoot the mBot
How to: Use comments when coding
How to: Debug code
How to: Write elegant code
Learn more: What is an autonomous car?
Learn more: How do self driving cars navigate?
Learn more: How can autonomous vehicles be useful?
Learn more: What is a smart city?
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