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Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 9
Unit assessment
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 7
Ocean as climate hero
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 8
History of ocean and climate action
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 6
Our unloved backyard
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 5
Human dependence on the ocean
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 3
The ocean carbon cycle
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 2
Climate clues
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 1
How should the ocean be divided?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 4
Ocean as climate ally
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 5
Protecting ocean biodiversity
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 3
Climate change impacts and the ocean
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 2
How do we know about climate change?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 7
The other carbon problem
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 9
Become an ocean hero
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 8
Let's get fish smart
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 7
Could worms save the world?
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 6
Save our saltmarshes
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 5
Mangroves matter massively
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 4
Life in a seagrass meadow
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 3
Blue carbon to the rescue
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 2
Deep trouble in the ocean!
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 6
How is life adapted to ocean habitats?
Science / Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 1
The carbon cycle, stores, and fluxes
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 1
The carbon cycle and climate
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 1
Earth's life support, the carbon cycle
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 9
Coral Live Prep 7-11
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 8
Coral Live Prep 11-14
Design and Technology | Ages 11-14
Lesson 6
Design task
Design and Technology | Ages 11-14
Lesson 1
What can we do to reduce ocean plastic pollution?
Design and Technology | Ages 11-14
Lesson 2
Why should we recycle?
Design and Technology | Ages 11-14
Lesson 3
How do we reduce, reuse and refuse plastic products?
Design and Technology | Ages 11-14
Lesson 4
Should we repair?
Design and Technology | Ages 11-14
Lesson 5
Can redesigning products help?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 1
How are plastics made?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 2
Why are plastics useful?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 3
What happens to plastic when you throw it away?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 4
How does plastic affect the environment?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 5
Plastics and bioaccumulation
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 1
What is the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' really like?
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 2
What is plastic and why is it a problem in the ocean?
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 3
Plastic case study - tourism in Kenya
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 4
How can we deal with all the plastic waste?
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 5
The global journey of plastic waste
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 6
Approaches to reducing ocean plastic pollution
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 7
Plastics decision making exercise
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 8
Plastics fieldwork (school grounds)
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 9
Plastics fieldwork (local area)
Cross-curricular | Ages 14-16
Lesson 1
Our wonderful oceans 14-16
Cross-curricular | Ages 14-16
Lesson 2
Our ocean and us 14-16
Cross-curricular | Ages 14-16
Lesson 3
Our ocean in crisis 14-16
Cross-curricular | Ages 11-14
Lesson 1
Our wonderful oceans 11-14
Cross-curricular | Ages 11-14
Lesson 2
Our ocean and us 11-14
Cross-curricular | Ages 11-14
Lesson 3
Our ocean in crisis 11-14
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 1
Our wonderful oceans 7-11
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 3
Our ocean in crisis 7-11
Cross-curricular | Ages 5-7
Lesson 1
Our wonderful oceans 5-7
Cross-curricular | Ages 5-7
Lesson 2
Our ocean and us 5-7
Cross-curricular | Ages 5-7
Lesson 3
Our ocean in crisis 5-7
Cross-curricular | Ages 5-7
Lesson 1
What are plastics?
Cross-curricular | Ages 5-7
Lesson 2
Where are plastics?
Cross-curricular | Ages 5-7
Lesson 3
What impact can plastic have?
Cross-curricular | Ages 5-7
Lesson 4
What can I do?
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 2
Our ocean and us 7-11
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 1
What are plastics? Part one
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 5
What impact can plastic have? Part one
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 6
What impact can plastic have? Part two
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 7
What can I do? Part one
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 8
What can I do? Part two
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 4
Where are plastics? Part two
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 3
Where are plastics? Part one
Cross-curricular | Ages 7-11
Lesson 2
What are plastics? Part two
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 7
Which MPA proposal is the best?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 6
How are members of the community affected by MPAs?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 5
How can we protect the reef?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 4
How do we decide which areas to protect?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 3
How can humans indirectly threaten reefs?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 2
How can humans directly threaten reefs?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 1
How is coral reef biodiversity useful and important?
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 1
How big and how deep is the ocean?
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 5
How do you launch a submarine with strong structures?
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 6
How do you recover a submarine with levers and pulleys?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 1
How do scientists explore underwater ecosystems?
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 4
How do you choose materials for a submarine?
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 3
What forces affect submarines?
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 2
What lives in the deep sea?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 6
Submarine life support investigation
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 5
Submarine materials investigation
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 4
Submarine pressure investigation
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 3
Submarine launch investigation
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 2
Submarine buoyancy investigation
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 1
Submarine shape investigation
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 8
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 7
How do we mitigate coral reef destruction?
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 6
What are the impacts of coral reef destruction?
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 5
What are the threats to coral reefs?
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 4
How do humans use coral reefs?
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 3
What are the factors of the coral reef ecosystem?
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 2
What is the structure of a coral reef?
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 1
Where is Timor-Leste and why does it have coral reefs?
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 7
Human impact on the reef
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 8
Coral press conference
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 5
Coral food chains
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 6
Adaptation on the reef
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 4
Coral classification
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 3
Amazing polyps
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 2
Reef builders
Science | Ages 7-11
Lesson 1
Coral explorer
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 7
How do scientists share their findings?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 6
What is the effect of human impact on the reef?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 4
How have reef specialists evolved and adapted?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 5
How do forces affect deep coral exploration?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 2
How do scientists use classification in coral habitats?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 3
How is energy transferred on the reef?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 7
How can you make sure your discoveries have an impact?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 6
Do zooplankton eat microplastics? (Conclusion)
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 5
Do zooplankton eat microplastics? (Experiment set-up)
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 4
Do zooplankton and microplastics occur together?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 3
What are microplastics and where do they come from?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 2
How can humans affect the marine environment?
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 1
Why should we care about zooplankton?
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 12
Captain’s log
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 11
The Southern Ocean and penguin evolution with Dr Michael Dunn
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 10
The Southern Ocean and penguin adaptation with Dr Norman Ratcliffe
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 9
The Pacific Ocean and plastic pollution with Jo Royle
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 8
The Indian Ocean and classification with Sheena Talma
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 7
The Atlantic Ocean and climate with Prof Penny Holliday
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 6
The Arctic Ocean and the water cycle with Prof Mark Brandon
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 5
Our ocean voyage with Prof Alex Rogers
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 4
Using our seas with Jennifer Gomez Molina
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 3
UK marine life with Dr Ceri Lewis and Dr Helen Findlay
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 2
UK marine habitats with Dr Susana Lincoln
Science / Geography | Ages 7-11
Lesson 1
The UK seas with Paul Rose
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 6
Conference in a classroom
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 5
From ice to paper
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 4
Data analysis: biology
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 3
Research in action
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 2
Data analysis: chemistry
Science | Ages 14-16
Lesson 1
What is ocean acidification?
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 7
Sea ice: Data analysis
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 6
Sea ice: Research in action
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 5
The issue of Arctic ice
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 4
Conference in a classroom
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 3
Ocean acidification: Data analysis
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 2
Ocean acidification: Research in action
Geography | Ages 14-16
Lesson 1
What is ocean acidification?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 6
Can ice melting in the Arctic really cause sea level rise?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 5
Ocean detectives
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 4
How can we investigate photosynthesis in the Arctic safely?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 3
How does ocean acidification affect communities?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 2
How does ocean acidification affect organisms?
Science | Ages 11-14
Lesson 1
Are humans causing ocean acidification?
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 7
The next chapter
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 6
Heading home
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 5
A warming world?
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 4
Lessons from the deep
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 3
Life beneath the ice
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 2
The Arctic Ocean
Geography | Ages 11-14
Lesson 1
Northern exposures
Subject Updates
Live Lessons